Sunday, September 24, 2006

Africa 2007...
I don't know about alot of other people but I feel as if GOD is calling me. GOD is telling me something. GOD is telling me I can help change the world. Its been something stuck in the back of my head for years now. And thanks to GOD awnsering my prayers, I can now say I will be following my calling. Something that really got me thinking about changing the world was a Nelson Mandela speech in Trafalga Square on the brink of the G8 meeting:

"Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundemental human right, the right to didnity and a decent life...

The steps that are needed from the developed nations are clear. The first is ensuring trade justice. The second is to end the debt crisis for the poorest countries. The third is to deliver much more aid and make sure it is of the highest quality...

The G8 leaders, when they meet in Scotland in July, have already promised to focus on the issue of poverty, especially in Africa.

I say to all those leaders: do not look the other way; do not hesitate. Recognise that the world is hungry for action not words. Act with courage and vision...

Sometimes it falls on a great generation to be great. You could be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.

Of course the task will not be easy. But not to do this would be a crime against humanity, against which I ask all humanity now to rise up.

Make poverty history in 2005. Make history in 2005. Then we can all stand with our heads held high."

In 2007 Myself, Sarah, Roz, Emma, Craig, Josh, Dean and Keeley will be doing our bit to MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY! We will be appart of that generation. I just pray that everyone contributes their best efforts and that we really do make a difference!


At 10:39 PM, Blogger Thomas said...

I was refering to the other Josh.

And my calling id to help all I can to stop poverty persisting!

At 3:05 AM, Blogger Wendy said...

If that's what you are being called to, then don't limit yourself or God. I wonder what shape the world would be in if all the people who felt called to make a difference in whatever way that was actually did it instead of finding reasons why they couldn't. I'll be praying for you, Thomas. Go for it!

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Sarah YEAH? said...

i will contribute my best efforts so that we can make the biggest difference possible!


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