Sunday, February 25, 2007

Not in my name!
Wind, rain or shine. We were there!
For a reason:
No Trident
World Peace is our goal!With our boom box!
Joined by the men themselves! Bush, Blair!
We were not alone...this time!

Friday, February 23, 2007

10th time lucky, if im lucky!

Probably about this time last year I started my History Coursework with excitement in me as to 'how i'm gonna write about Civil Rights and Vietnam'. Oh the joy of being wrong.

It's 2.22am in the morning and I've just re-completed my Civil Rights coursework. I have about 6 different copies saved on my USB. Last year I handed in my coursework. It wasn't good enough. I changed it around and handed it back again, it wasn't good enough. I have handed it in a number of time between now and then, including last week. Oh wait, it wasn't good enough. I updated it yesterday and handed it in today. Still not good enough.

I scraped the whole idea of trying to update a crap essay and started all over again. I read through someone elses coursework today. Someone who got an A*. I now know why it wasn't good enough. I've also had a piece of my coursework (different subject) called 'just average' and 'rather vague' today. So how frustrated am I.

I handed in my maths coursework yesterday and realised to myself, I only have 2 pieces of coursework left to finish; science and ICT. Today I have 5. Tomorrow maybe 6, who knows these days. Well, I have now just re-finished a piece of my history coursework all from scratch. And I'm not looking forward to redoing it again, knowing my luck and oh so average coursework.

Oh and another thing, Skillsmatch finally called me outside of school hours for an interview (3.45). Guess what, I was in school doing coursework!

As some guy once said: "History, just one damned thing after another". Someone give him a medal.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Computer Nerd...(photo copiers not included)

You know when you get that feeling that you haven't got a good grade eventhough you think you deserve it. I felt like that today.

A couple of weeks ago, on Wednesday I was told that my very much unfinished piece of ICT coursework which was very much unfinished was due in that day. I panicked. How on earth was I going to get that piece of coursework completed; worth a whole 1/3 of my final mark.

That evening strait after school I was heading strait to ICT to complete whatever I could. Then I remembered that I promised someone else I'd meet them in the library to help them with there coursework. I went to the library. After a full hour of doing coursework with this guy I left them on their way and was off to finish mine, hopefully!!!

It was now 6pm and after doing a full section of my coursework in hours I wasn't finished. But at 6pm everyone has to be off our school site. No way!!! I've tried too hard and wasn't leaving till my coursework was completed. It even got to the point of my protest where the teacher had to access my files from the "special computer" to print of my unfinished work and log me off. And that was it, my grade was gonna be crap and I had given up on ICT. It was now 6.15, I ran to Wednesday club!

Today we got our results back. I didn't want mine. I refused to accept it and insisted she let me complete my coursework. I was determined, but she refused. I was not a happy Gertrude! Until I got my grade, eventhough my work was unfinished!!!
95% - A*

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Monday, February 19, 2007

So far today...

Today I woke up a bit early to go cycling. Like I said, getting back in the habbit. I went cycling yesterday evening and was thinking to myself all evening how on earth Roz could complain so much about having a sore 'behind' after just cycling once. Today I understood! And I sympathise!

I set of from my house at 7am heading towards Bricklane in search of begals (mmmmm begals!). 5 minutes into riding and my bum was sore. I tried to do a Roz and sit only on one side of the seat - thus nearly killing myself! But it wasn't only the one side ride that nearlly killed me, the fumes of the cars and lorries nearly did the trick. I was stuck in the middle of a traffic jam being chocked and blined by exhuast fumes. For the first time in a long while, I had to go on the pavements.

Ok, I finally got to Brick Lane and picked up my begals, and a mango juice. Oh I do love Mango juice. Leaving the bakery with my prize in arms I saw this guy waslking towards me. Barbetues, he said his name was. Maybe he had a bit too much to drink last night, as he told me.

We walked down Bethnal Green Road and he expalined his evening previous. See he met these two women on the karoke, one of them being Irish he liked to point out. They then both asked him if he wanted to go back to their flat and on there way they both nicked his wallet and ran off. Not the first time he says. I checked my watch and realised I had to go. Offering him a begal, me and Barbetues went our seperate ways.

Now on my way back I passed 2 familiar faces, one of them being Bram who I'm not sure if he actually saw me, but I waved. And the other being Emma, who slowed down as she was passing me in her car to say hello. It has made my day so far.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Getting back into the habbit...

Today I got back into the habbit. I got back onto my bike and had a ride up to Victoria Park and back. I feel proud with myself!

For our Africa Project up club we are all walking, running, cycling and swimming the distance from London to Africa. 2085km! A lot! Today me and Craig reduced that distance! YAP we did! I need a begel!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Just a few photo(s!) for the blog!

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sunshine International

Whilst I was staying in Luxor me and my dad visited the local orphanage Sunshine International. Like many Muslim countries, in Egypt there is still a massive stigma on sex outside wedlock. Obviously this still takes place and women become pregnant outside of marrige. Due to the humiliation of the circumstances, when the child is born it is immediately abandoned and forgotten about.

Before only 10 years ago most of these children would have been left on the streets to die. But because of the amazing work of British volunteers, Sunshine International was born. Sunshine International is an orphange that houses over 70 children and young people ranging from just a few hours old to mid teens. Without this orphanage the future for these children and young people would be unlikely.

After visiting the orphanage myself and meeting the magnificent children that call it home I can't get it out of my head. It's amazing what a few caring people can do. Save lives!

Please visit the site yourself and learn more about the work that goes on - here

If you would like to make a donation then that would be amazing! - justgiving

Sunday, February 04, 2007
