Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Im Just Another Hippie!

Walking to Science where i was about to be given the same exam paper that i took on Tuesday, i was approached by a boy in my year who i dont even know. He asked me "is it true that you're a hippy . I then looked across the corridor to see a bunch of his mates laughing at me. I then asked him why it was that he asked me that question, he doesn't even know me. "everyone says you're a tree hugger" I just don't understand why people say that to me, i mean i probably am the closest person to a hippy in my school only because my school is full of "gangstas" and im not one of them. Its funny because i don't dress like a hippy, i dont smoke drugs like a hippy, im just me. Im Just Another Hippie. The funny thing is i told this boy that im not a hippy but im a hippie (spellings are different and maybe the meanings are too) he just looked at me and called me a ******* freak! i said thanks for that. He aint approached me since.


At 11:51 PM, Blogger Thomas said...

hey jon cox thanks for the comment but i have no idea who you are lol. please let me know.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Roz Lynch said...

We hippies have to stick together...freaks, geeks, whatever the has to be better than 'ordinary'!

You might have experienced what the Australians call the 'tall poppy syndrome' or cutting down the tall poppy...jealousy induced criticism of someone considered to stand out from the crowd (the tall poppy in a field of poppies...or the tall hippie in a school yard of hippies - they just don't know it yet)- see here

Its also used to explain some bullying behaviour - see here

At 11:53 PM, Blogger Keeley said...

the only thing is if everybody becomes a hippie or a freak then it will be normal. damn... well done for telling that kid the difference between a hippie and a hippy lol.. thats great.. love it..

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Keeley said...

i no your internet is down but i was reading the comments left on roz's blog about my post which was bout your email and gordon feels left out coz he didnt get a email

At 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think both hippys and hippies are cool... its people like that which add individuality to the world we live in. where would we be if everyone was the same? i think we would live in very dull surroundings.. especially if they were all "gangstas" cause in my opinion all them lot seem to do it moan all the time lol


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