Does Man deserve to be saved?!
Last night i went to the cinema with Craig and Kelly. At first me and Kelly didn't really want to go see lady in the water because it was a PG and we wanted to go see a scary film, what a shock we was in for. Lady in the Water should be atleast a 12A and i mean it, i jumped out my seat.
One bit i will always remember about the film is when the care taker was having a conversation with one of the residents in an appartment and out of the blue the resident asked this question:
Does Man deserve to be saved?
The care taker replied optomistic with a "yes". Sometimes i'm angry with the
world and feel pessimistic and don't think we deserve to be saved. I mean just think about what we've done to the world:
We've created the Atom Bomb!
We've created a racist society!
We allow poverty to escalate!
A third of our world is at War!
We allow murderers, rapists and other terrible people to continue their ways!
We allow young boys and girls to be human trafficked!
We allow mass genocide to take place!
We allow the rain forest to be destroyed! The sad thing is this list could go on and on!
There is days when I pray to God that he guides us away from the path of evil and into the path of righteousness. Theres days where i just feel like giving up. There is days when i have hope and there is days when i have doubt. Today i have hope! and this is why:
Luke 4: 18-20 "The Lord has put his Spirit in me, because he appointed me to tell the Good News to the poor. He sent me to tell the captives they are free and to tell the blind that they can see again. God sent me to free those who have been treated unfairly and to announce the time when the Lord will show his kindness"
Sometimes hope is all I have. Sometimes faith in God is all I have, but I bet no one could measure the infinitive size that faith in God is!