Friday, December 29, 2006

Listening in...

I was in Books etc. today buying Danny Walace's Yes Man when a guy came into the store searching for a book as well. As you do!

I couldnt help but listen in on his conversation with a staff member.

"Excuse me, I work with autistic children and I'm looking for a book"

"This way"

I don't know why I listened in on his conversation but seeing as I have an autistic brother I felt like telling him I think what he does (working with autistic children) is great. I stood around for 5 minutes deciding whether or not I would scare him but I thought what the heck!

"Sorry I don't mean to butt in but I over heard you chatting and I have a brother whos autistic and I think its really good you work with them"

"Oh thanks" Giving me thumbs and smiling akwardly as if to wonder what on earth is this wierd guy holding a book with Danny Wallace on it (who is also a wierd guy) is doing talking to strangers.

A few years ago no one had ever heard of autism and people were very rarely diagnosed with it. But today as more awarness being raised through the media (finally something posotive from the media), alot more people are understanding and more people are taking up careers to work with autistic children. Like that man in the book shop!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006!

Its Boxing Day and I have had a lay in. 2pm I woke up today. 2pm! The biggest lay in I have had all year! Well I know Christmas was yesterday but Merry Christmas everyone.

Yesterday (Xmas Day) was a great day for me and everyone I came acroos. Like around another 15 or so volunteers I spent most of my Christmas Day at The Salvation Army, along with 80 other people, mostly elderly who would other what be alone this Christmas.

I got to church at 9.20 Christmas Day after spending an hour with my family and I was on pick ups with Christine. We had 14 people to pick up and they all lived off Commercial Road so I knew it wouldnt take long, 45 minutes perhaps. Wr0ng I was. 2 hours!

Getting back to the hall just making the morning service I went and the joined the table of 8 people I was supposed to be hosting. Craig had kept everyone company for me while I was away and one particular woman was very happy to see me. Craig had told her I had ginger hair so she was looking forward to seeing it. She was quite disapointed to see the darkness of my gel. Sandra her name was and she like Dancing and disliked females in groups larger than 2 because they bitch too much. Then there was Alex. He taught me how to spell and say my name in Numbers:

20 8 15 13 1 19

I also met Tom and George, to old brothers who love each other very much. As they liked to tell me. Tom got a bit angry when he couldn't get a second bowl of soup and threatened to march right in the kitchen and get himself. There was also Bill who got up and played Bob Dylans Blowing in the wind for us. A right bunch of characters on my table including me and Craig!

Dinner time came round quick and we had a cycle going in the kitchen. Christine on the Patatoes to Sue on the Turkey to Rhonda's mum on the Parsnips to Christine on the Sprouts to Rhonda on the Carrots to me on the Sausages to Diane with the Gravy and finally passed onto the other volunteers who serve. Sorry To Rhonda's mother for forgetting your name.

Pudding came along and between me and Christine with all the volunteers serving we got that done in no time. There was seconds for Tom this time!

After a few performances from a bunch of people including Patrick who gave us his wonderful version of When The Saints Come Marching In. Followed by the Queens speech and a game of Bingo it was time for people to head of home. But before that Santa Clause gave us a visit and everyone recieved a present and a food parcel.

Dropping people off was much quicker. Record time with 40 minutes. It was nice to get a few thanks and to thank other people for making Christmas Day a great one.


  • Getting an ipod
  • Taking 30 minutes to find someones house
  • Having wacky conversations with people
  • Sid turning up!
  • My mum coming over for the sevice and finding herself in the kitchen offering her great skills!
  • My mum waiting till 5pm to have Christmas dinner with me (Just the two of us
  • Sitting down for 5 minutes just to observe the smiles on everyones face!

Happy Birthday Jesus...for yesterday!

Friday, December 22, 2006

More Great Art From Banksy!
Birth of Jesus. Still lives on. Still Amazing.
What happened here though?


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Standing up for your beliefs!

Last Sunday whilst in church we were congratulating the kids on their achievements of the week. It was Johns turn.

"So John what have you achieved this week" said Christine

John didn't answer

"He was persecuted for sticking up for his beliefs in school" stated John's father!

The hall appluaded and I joined in. I know what its like to be penalised and feel like its only you and the world is against you. So its something I have great sympathy for, whoever is persecuted whether they be Christian, Muslim or Jewish they have the right to freely believe what they wish. Ain't that what free will is all about, making our own decisions and GOD being the judge of them.

I was reading through my bible the other night and came across something that i felt suited what people like myself and John go through sometimes.

"People will insult you and hurt you. They will lie and say all kinds of evil things about you because you follow me. But when they do you will be happy. Rejoice and be glad, because you have a great reward waiting for you in heaven. People did the same evil things to the prophets who lived before you" Matthew 5: 11-12

It then goes on to say

"In the same way, you should be the light for other people. Live so they will see the good things you do and willpraise your Father in heaven" Matthew 5:16

This Sunday just gone, I caught up with John and his father and explained to them how they should always stick up for their beliefs and that I know where they are coming from. I share the extracts with them and ask them one question:

"So, why were you persecuted anyway?"

"I refused to study Islam in school" said John with a cheeky smile looking for my approval!

"OH! Well it also says in the bible that we should respect other peoples beliefs and show understanding. Maybe you could learn and then compare both religions. That would help people understand"

John just ran off to play with his mates. I don't think he wanted an R.E. lesson from me really. I do hope I made it clear what I was trying to put across!

Friday, December 15, 2006


Growing up in a generation where insulting your freinds and everyone around you is the way to go and racial stigma is just a joke, it is very annoying when every five minutes of the day (metaphorically speaking) you have to explain to people how what they are saying offends people and they shouldnt say it.

It has seemed to become a norm to many people that reffering to someone who makes a general mistake as a "retard" or "spastic" is just something that is OK. Where saying that someone should Fcuk Off because they are black is somewhat a joke and not racist. I don't know about you but I don't find it funny. I mean a jokes a joke but reffering to people as "retards" and different racial penalizing and name calling is an insult to all the people who faught so that words like that are now deemed socially unacceptable, well so I thought.

In Humanities today we were discussing mental health and the stigma surrounding it. 1/6 of us will at one stage or another in our lives seek some kind of theropy or couselling. Most of us will feel depressed and some of us will even have a nervous breakdown.

A dream - "I want to be able to walk into a pub and say 'I have been mentally ill', and for them to say 'That's interesting, what did you learn?'". (A 'survivor' of the system)

Only if the world was a bit more understanding!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Join Me!

A few weeks ago I was outside Books etc. with Nick. I was telling him how I had a £10 voucher and didn't no what book to get. I wanted to buy that book about saying yes more that Roz goes on about all the time but didn't know the title or author so was too embarrased to ask.

Friday, and Nick borrowed me a book called Join Me by Danny Wallace. Seeing as I already had two books on the go at once it was very unlikely I would be getting round to reading it anytime soon. That Night I picked up the book and thought I would read the first chapter, just to see if it was worthing leaving on my desk or dumping it on the shelf. Within pages of reading and having a laugh I was hooked. I just finished it last night and was sad to leave it behind. The Story is of a man called Danny Wallace who starts a cult (*ahem* collective) by accident by putting an add in the Loot telling people to Join him. He thought it would be a laugh and joining consisted of sending one photo to his address. Out of the blue he got a reply to his add and within months he had a massive cult (*ahem* collective) up and running. Hundreads of people were Joining him and as part of being in the cult (*ahem* collective) you had to do good deeds every Friday. The Karma Army (Joinees) soon grew to 1000.

Danny Wallace is just an average guy like me and you, well no, he's not an average guy and niether are me or you, anyway,and only lives in Bow. I really don't wanna blabber on about the book too much but its a must read. If you don't wanna read it though why not join up and do good deeds every Friday.

Check the website - HERE

Like I said, its a must read so read it. Thanks Nick for recommending it!

Sunday, December 10, 2006


I've been keeping count. 7 times this week I have walked into a shop and had the security guard follow. Twice I told the same security guard in Woolworths that I'm not a thief but still he persists to stalk me. 3 times this week whilst standing at Somerfields checkout the person or persons infront of me would take a look at me, see that Im young and scruffy then make sure they cover their hand whilst typing in their chip and pin, then look back up to see if I had got a glimpse.

I have come to a conclusion. If people trustesd eachother more then the world might be put to rights. So I have decide to trust people more. My first test from GOD wasn't very big, but this is how it goes:

Woman: Can I buy this dress
Me: You know what, eventhough I work on this stall I don't actually know the prices. You will have to wait for my boss to get back.
Woman: Well its a fiver, my mate just bought one, but I dont mind waiting for Trisha to return. How long will she be.
Me: About 5 minutes!!

This woman had a child in a pram with her and it was rather cold outside so I felt rather guilty making her wait!

Me: Well I believe in trusting people, so I'll take your word for it.
Woman: Thanks, honestly my mate just bought one for a fiver.

Turns out it was a fiver. Perhaps trusting people a bit more is the key to everlasting peace!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What success means to me!
"He who abides by me and I in him bares much fruit, for without me you can do nothing"
John 15:5
What I would like to achieve within the next 12 months:
  • Pass my GCSEs
  • Get a proper job
  • Go to College
  • Learn how to play guitar (play good)
  • Help Masuma overcome bullying (next 5 months)
  • Go to Africa to raise awareness and to educate myself and others
  • Learn as much as I can and become a stronger and better person

Theres loads more!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

WHY am I not revising!
I've got my mocks next week and I'm just too lazy to even think about revising. I do hope my brain switches on again. Its been off for a while now!