Im Just Another Hippie!
Walking to Science where i was about to be given the same exam paper that i took on Tuesday, i was approached by a boy in my year who i dont even know. He asked me "is it true that you're a hippy . I then looked across the corridor to see a bunch of his mates laughing at me. I then asked him why it was that he asked me that question, he doesn't even know me. "everyone says you're a tree hugger" I just don't understand why people say that to me, i mean i probably am the closest person to a hippy in my school only because my school is full of "gangstas" and im not one of them. Its funny because i don't dress like a hippy, i dont smoke drugs like a hippy, im just me. Im Just Another Hippie. The funny thing is i told this boy that im not a hippy but im a hippie (spellings are different and maybe the meanings are too) he just looked at me and called me a ******* freak! i said thanks for that. He aint approached me since.