Just in case Keeley!
Keeley was complaining about a bad hip last night and i told her it could be neuralgia. She laughed at me as if i was talking a load of junk. Well Keeley i saw you today and you said you're hip was still hurting so just incase, after trying to explain to Keeley what neuralgia was, she wasn't having any of it. I looked it up on the NHS site and here it is.......just in case Keeley:
Trigeminal neuralgia:
The pain from trigeminal neuralgia is felt in the face, usually around the jaw and/or cheek. Less commonly, it can also affect your forehead or eye. In most cases (97%) the pain affects only one side of the face, although it has been known to affect both sides. The pain is the only symptom, and is described as stabbing or piercing, and usually severe.
...the site of this constant pain, and the skin can be sensitive, and sometimes itchy...
The pain lasts for between a few seconds and few minutes, and can occur again after a few minutes, hours or days. It is not a constant pain, but you may feel a dull ache after the main attack of pain. Many people have ‘trigger points’ on their face that if touched, however gently, will bring on the pain. Even a draught can be enough to trigger the pain. People affected in this way often begin to avoid washing, shaving or eating, to try and prevent the pain coming on.
Postherpetic neuralgia:
The pain of PHN is different from trigeminal neuralgia because it is a persistent pain. Without treatment, for some people this pain can go on for months or years. It is described as a constant burning pain, sometimes with occasional stabbing pains as well. It is possible for the initial rash and pain to disappear, and then the pain to return later on. The area of skin that was affected by the shingles becomes the site of this constant pain, and the skin can be sensitive, and sometimes itchy. Touch, or the rubbing of clothes can aggravate the pain and itching.
Tell you're hip i said Get Well Soon!